We see our faces every day and for many of us as we age, life is punctuated by the gasps of horror when we notice a new line or wrinkle that has appeared overnight without so much as a by your leave! So it’s not unusual that we try every skin tightening face cream and every “miracle product” on the block (and spend an arm and a leg in the process).
This is a familiar story but let’s be honest here, no amount of skin tightening cream will rejuvenate your skin unless you begin at the beginning…by boosting the basic building blocks of your skin in order to achieve visible facial rejuvenation.
How to Look Younger Naturally:
Now more than ever, there is a range of tried and tested non-invasive cosmetic treatments available but we are only going to discuss two procedures in this post: the best treatments for facial rejuvenation are Ultherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. When it comes to dealing with ageing skin and wrinkles, these are, in our experience, the treatments that get the best results time after time:
Ultherapy – Skin Tightening Treatments for Face, Neck and Décolletage:
When talking about treatments that achieve a natural facelift, Ultherapy has got to be top of the list. It is a form of ultrasound technology that firms and tightens the skin on the face, neck and chest to achieve a completely non-surgical lift which can last a year or more. It was voted “Best Skin Tightening Treatment” three years in a row by New Beauty magazine (2017) and celebrity fans include Christie Brinkley and Jennifer Aniston.
Benefits of Ultherapy:
· it works deep in the dermis to kick-start the production of new collagen;
· it can be used to target really specific facial areas including brow, jowls, chin, under eyes as well as neck and chest;
· results are long-lasting and maintenance is one top-up treatment annually; and
· the treatment can take as little as 30 minutes out of your day (depending on area to be treated) with minimal downtime.
Above all, the beauty of Ultherapy is that from the moment you get it done, it continues to boost your collagen over time and the annual maintenance treatments keep topping up that boost to achieve tighter, firmer, younger looking skin!
Platelet Rich Plasma – the Anti-Ageing Miracle!
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy, also known as the Vampire Facial, is one of the best anti-ageing facial treatments and is super-effective to reverse the signs of ageing skin.
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy essentially harvests platelets from your own blood which contain a high content of “growth factors” – proteins that help to heal injured tissue or damaged skin. When platelets are injected into the skin, they release those growth factors which in turn causes surrounding cells to proliferate leading to a re-plumped and rejuvenated skin. Studies have shown this technique to be highly effective in the treatment of skin wounds, particularly burns but it can also tackle skin problems such as acne scarring and stretch marks. In our short videoclip below, SallyAnn Clarke explains on the Midday programme how PRP has softened prominent lines and given her a natural facelift:
Benefits of PRP:
· it achieves excellent results on crow’s feet, “crepey” eyelids, facial acne scarring and wrinkles/fine lines around the nose, lips and mouth;
· it stimulates skin repair and it boosts collagen production to tighten loose skin; and
· it improves skin elasticity and can be applied to face, neck, décolletage and anywhere on the body e.g. works really well on ageing hands.
Both of these treatments are a great choice if you’re looking for a way to find a new you – the same only a better, firmer, fresher, younger-looking you!
If you are considering either of the treatments above or if you would like to find out more about non-invasive anti-ageing treatments, we would love to talk to you. Just click here to fill out a brief contact form for a skin consultation.